See the latest industry updates and news from MT Cold Storage Solutions below…

Why Should I Use A Suspended Ceiling In My Cold Room?
If you're looking to purchase a cold room, you probably know that there are a lot of things to consider – from floors and doors to shelving and lighting. But...

Why Cold Room Maintenance & Refurbishment Is Essential
Why Should You Schedule Cold Room Repairs & Refurbishment? As temperature-controlled environments, cold rooms require careful monitoring and regular maintenance in order to perform according to requirements. Major faults can...

The Best Flooring Options For Your Cold Room And Storage Areas
Cold Room Flooring for Temperature Controlled Rooms Choosing the right flooring system for your cold room isn't as straightforward as it might seem. Different flooring types have varying performance characteristics...

Does Your Agricultural Cold Room Need Refurbishing? We Can Help!
Refurbishing Your Agricultural Cold Rooms Agriculture can be a delicate balancing act. Understandably, modern consumers have high expectations about the quality of produce they purchase, expecting it to be supplied...

The Beginning Of The End Of Coronavirus – The MTCSS Response
As the spread and intensity of the Coronavirus outbreak decreases, MTCSS will be returning to normal as quickly as we can. We want to assure you that we'll be back...

Where Can I Quickly Buy Cold Stop Insulated Curtains For A Cold Room Refurbishment?
Where to Buy Insulated Curtains for your Cold Room Refurbishments If you’re planning a refurbishment of your cold room, you’ll probably have already realised that a long drawn-out project will...

How Cold Room Refurbishment Can Help Your Business Avoid Downtime?
Cold Room Refurbishment to Avoid Downtime in your Business When you work in the food industry, there are few words more frightening than "downtime". They say time is money -...

Does Cold Room Refurbishment Increase Efficiency?
Cold Room Refurbishment to Improve Efficiency Inefficient cold rooms can quickly become both expensive and unreliable. This can be offset through regular servicing, professional maintenance, and high-quality parts. However, long...

How Can Cold Room Refurbishment Benefit Me?
Farms, restaurants, shops, and catering services all rely on cold rooms. Sadly, this rather unglamorous part of the business often gets neglected - which can lead to problems over time....

Cold Room Refurbishment: Types of Insulated Curtain to Consider
Should I Buy Sliding Cold Stop Insulated Curtains or Non-Sliding Cold Stop Insulated Curtains? You've decided to refurbish your cold room - but what should you change? Doorways in and...