Cold Room Entrapment Alarms
MTCSS alarms are installed in the majority of leading supermarkets across the UK. Health and safety of staff is a major concern in any industry today, so we have safety alarms designed for any cold room situation (including walk in cold storage, freezer rooms, blast chillers or chillers). These alarms aren’t just limited to cold rooms, they can be used in any room where personnel may be trapped by accident or due to fault door equipment.
Pull-switch Entrapment Alarm System
This alarm is activated by pulling a cord (which goes from the alarm down to the floor where it is secured)
Push-button Entrapment Alarm System
This alarm is very similar to the one above but has a button which is pushed, to activate the alarm.
Pull-switch Entrapment Alarm with battery back-up
This alarm is supplied with a battery back-up as a safety feature in case of power cuts/failures. This is supplied with 240V (24V is also available)
Remote Repeater
This is ideal for many sites including those where there are limited numbers of staff. One ‘internal’ alarm can be attached to several external ‘remote repeater’ alarms. This means that, once the internal alarm has been activated, it will sound in 1 or more external locations (such as a manager’s office). A key is supplied which will turn the external sounder off whilst the strobe light will continue to flash.
To enquire about these alarm systems please email or call 01886 358272.